Raúl Montoliu Colás

Raúl Montoliu Colás

Raúl Montoliu

Dr. Raul Montoliu Colás holds a PhD in Advanced Computer Systems (2008) from the Universidad Jaume I (UJI). He works as a contracted PhD Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Science at the Universidad Jaume I, and as a researcher at the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT). His main lines of research are: indoor location systems, study of human behavior using data obtained from sensors, machine learning, social computing, social media analysis, video surveillance systems and sports video analysis. The results of his research work have been published in important journals (with impact index) as well as in relevant conferences, such as: NEUROCOMPUTING, SENSORS, IJGIS, HMS, CVIU, MTAP, IJIS, JMIV, ECCV, ICPR, ICIP , among others.

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