José Francisco Ramos

José Francisco Ramos

José Francisco Ramos

Francisco Ramos is a Profesor Contratado Doctor in the Department ofComputer Languages and Systems at the University Jaume I (Spain). He got his Ph.D. with honours from this University in 2008. His research interests are in the areas of mobile interaction, computer graphics, visualization and GIS, which are research lines in the GeoTec Research Group.

He is also co-founder of Emotional Apps, a spin-off enterprise dedicated to combine technology and emotions by means of creating innovative mobile apps. This company has been featured in Full-frame show (CCTV America), TIME magazine or Yahoo News, to name a few. A multidisciplinary team composed of scientists and experts in the areas of Computer Science and Psychology is the basis of the company.

Currently, he teaches in the Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies, with many international students that come from different parts of the world. Moreover, he is the Director of Master in mobile programming and videogames at the University Jaume I.

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