Inmaculada Remolar – Section Leader

Inmaculada Remolar – Section Leader

Inmaculada Remolar

Inmaculada Remolar Quintana is a University Professor in the Department of Computer Languages ​​and Systems at the Jaume I University.

Doctor in Computer Science from the Jaume I University of Castellón, she is currently the director of the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT).

Coordinator of the Research Group “Interactive Visualization”, integrated into the Institute of New Imaging Technologies. Her current lines of research include geometric modeling, interactive visualization, and video game technology. Regarding these issues, she has participated in numerous research projects, being the PI of two of them, and has recognized two six-year research. She has also participated in numerous projects with companies, where she has been able to participate in the application of research carried out in the workplace.

Her teaching activity has focused mainly on computer science degrees, degrees in Industrial Design and Product Development, and Design and Development of Videogames, also teaching in the master of intelligent systems.

She is an active member and belongs to the board of directors of the Spanish Association of Computer Graphics Eurographics S.E


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