Mª Ángeles López

Mª Ángeles López

Mª Ángeles López

M.Ángeles López Malo has a PhD in Computer Science from the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón and has been a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Science since 2002.

He has taught in the first and second cycle, degree, master’s and doctorate, mainly in computer science degrees, in the Degree in Computer Engineering and in the master’s degree in Intelligent Systems.

He is a member of the Visual Engineering research group, integrated within the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT).

She has been the director of the Computer Engineering degree, a member of the Board of the Center of the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences (ESTCE) and a member of other committees. At present, she holds the positions of coordinator of the fourth year of the degree in Computer Engineering and coordinator of the Final Degree Project.

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