Vicente Palmer

Vicente Palmer

Vicente Palmer

Vicente Palmer Andreu, Sueca, (Ribera Baixa del Xùquer), 1965.
Professor at the University of the Department of Mathematics

Doctor in Mathematical Sciences for the University of Valencia, E.G., (1994).
Specialization in Differential Geometry and Global Analysis in Varietats, member of the group of research in Differential Geometry and Stereology of the UJI since 1991.

Author or co-author of 30 research articles in the specialty. Research stations at CRM, (Barcelona), at the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, (Germany) and at the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Denmark, among others. Referee of diverses reviews scientists.

He directed 4 projects of the Pla Nacional d’Investigació, 6 projects of the Pla Propi of the Universitat and a European aid from the Capital Humá i Mobilitat Program. He directed the post-doctoral research of a researcher, two doctoral theses and three Fi treballs from Master dins de l’especialitat.

The best docent trajectory includes the participation, over 26 academic years, of 18 subjects of the first, second and third cycle, in 11 degrees and total success in 2 Universities: in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of the UV, and in the ‘ESTCE de l’UJI from the seu started at the moment. He directed 9 Master Treballs Fi on teaching in Secondary Education and History of Mathematics and published three articles on mathematics education.

Dintre de la gestió, the statute Vice-Rector of Assumptes Economics i Planificació of the UJI since 2001 fins 2006. Status of the Consell de Govern de la universitat since 2001 fins 2010 and soc membre del Claustre of the university since 1995

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