María Gladys Mínguez – Coordinadora de Sección

María Gladys Mínguez – Coordinadora de Sección

María Gladys Mínguez

I did a Bachelor of Science in Physics in the specialty of Fundamental Physics and a PhD thesis in the Optics Doctorate program at the University of Valencia. Since 2009 I have been a Full Professor at the University of Jaume I of Castellón. I have completed a total of two years of stays in other research centers, including, among others: the University of Purdue (United States), the FernUnivesitat in Hagen (Germany) and the Institute of Applied Optics (Poland). I currently have 2 six-year terms and 2 five-year terms.

My research career can be divided into three main lines of research:

– The first, related to my Doctoral Thesis, was about the compensation of the chromatic dispersion associated with the propagation of white light in free space.

– The second, currently very active, is based on the spatio-temporal control of femtosecond lasers using spatial light modulators. This line has allowed us to develop cutting-edge new technology such as the world’s most compact time programmable shaper, a wavefront meter and compensator, the development of a material micromachining station in parallel with a wide working region or a proof of concept of a multiphoton holographic microscopy system that works with lasers as low as 30 fs.

– The third, we started it in 2013 and is based on the manufacture of nanoparticles with ultrashort lasers. Given the unique characteristics of these nanoparticles (high purity, great stability and non-commercial nanoparticles can be manufactured), they are advocated as highly useful tools to apply in the fields of energy and health. In the field of energy, we are collaborating in the development of new nanofluids that directly absorb solar radiation and have a high thermal conductivity, and in the field of health, we would like to develop plasmonic biosensors.

I have taught at the Universitat Jaume I for more than a decade in various subjects related to Physics, Optics and Laser, both in degree and master. I have participated in 16 educational improvement projects and have presented more than 20 contributions to educational innovation conferences. I am a co-author of more than 45 scientific articles in indexed journals, 2 book chapters and more than 80 communications to congresses, all of them related to the optics and applications of femtosecond lasers.

ResearcherID: N-3343-2015

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