Ignacio Miralles

Ignacio Miralles

Ignacio Miralles

Ignacio Miralles Tena is a researcher in the pre-doctoral phase through a grant from the Ministry for the Training of University Teachers (FPU). He received a degree in Computer Engineering in 2014 and a Master’s degree in Intelligent Systems in 2015, both from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castellón. In January 2015 he joined the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT) as a member of GEOTEC where he develops web, mobile and video games with GIS functionality. He previously worked for eight years at LABPSITEC, a group dedicated to the research and application of psychological treatments through the use of new technologies. His main interests are the research and development of video games and serious-games that include the GIS component

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