Vicent Climent

Vicent Climent

Vicent Climent

Vicent Climent Jordà has a degree in Physics from the University of Valencia since 1977 and a PhD in Physics from the same university since 1986. He is Professor of Optics in the Physics Department of the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón and has developed his academic career at the University from Valencia and, since 1991, at the Universitat Jaume I, in collaboration with the Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie at the University of Dortmund (Germany).

Climent is the researcher in charge of the GROC-UJI Optics Research Group, where he develops several research projects focused on temporal and ultra-fast optics, on the processing of optical images and ophthalmic optics.

He has participated in 19 research projects –in 10 of them as a principal researcher– of which a project from the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program on science and applications of ultrafast and ultra-intense lasers must be highlighted. He is the co-author of three industrial patents, more than 60 articles in scientific publications in the field of optics and more than 100 communications at conferences.

The experience in university management of Vicent Climent at the Universitat Jaume I is extensive, since he has participated in its representative bodies since its inception, as director of the Department of Experimental Sciences (1991-1995), vice-rector for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff ( 1995-2001) or commissioner for the New
Postgraduate degree from the UJI (2005-2006), among others, and as a member of the Senate and the Governing Board, without interruption, since the creation of the University.

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