INIT gets an Innovation Agent thanks to a call of the Valencian Innovation Agency

INIT gets an Innovation Agent thanks to a call of the Valencian Innovation Agency
22/07/2019 Rubén García Vidal

Nacho Miralles is the new Innovation Agent hired by the INIT thanks to the founds received from the Valencian Agency of Innovation AVI), within its call dedicated to the Incorporation of Talent.
Nacho Miralles is a graduate in Computer Science and is about to present his PhD thesis in which he has worked within the Geographic Information section.
The main goals of the INIT Innovation Agent are:
• O1: Generating a specific portfolio of the investigations with the necessary maturity to make the leap towards commercialization.
• O2: Relating these investigations with the market and conduct a study of it in each of the possible sectors. The result of this study must be twofold: On the one hand, a list of companies must be created with which an immediate contact is necessary to obtain mutual benefit from the research results; On the other hand, gaps and spaces must be identified where it is possible to generate new companies or product forms.
• O3: Identifying new calls for R & D & i projects, analyze where possible, the number of applications, the areas where the proposals are centralized and serve as a guide to the Institute to push this type of requests. Providing a perspective of transfer to the possibilities.
• O4: With this information it is important to select those opportunities that take into account environmental and social criteria. It is also important to be able to take advantage of the innovation strategy of the Comunitat Valenciana, trying to align the following steps with it.
• O5: Establishing contact with the opportunities identified, presenting the potential of the Institute through demonstrations and actual marketing proposals. This can be achieved in different ways: Generating new R + D + i projects, offering the developed technologies or reaching collaboration agreements managed from the INIT.

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