Eight students of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies defend their thesis at the UJI

Eight students of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies defend their thesis at the UJI
09/03/2020 Rubén García Vidal

Eight students of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies have defended during this week at the Universitat Jaume I the final master’s thesis. The works, carried out by Somnath Chaudhuri (India), Berhanu Berga Dadi (Ethiopia), Mutaz Wajeh Abdlmajid Qafisheh (Palestine), Ignacio Ponsoda Llorens (Spain), Tina Baidar (Nepal), Alema Senait Meles (Ethiopia), Sin Ki Braundt Lau (China) and Amrit Karmacharya (Nepal), have dealt with issues related to geospatial information, health, traffic, indoor positioning or agriculture, among others.

This master’s degree course has been recognised by the European Commission as one of the most excellent master’s programmes in Europe. It is a university master’s degree of 90 ECTS credits that is taught in English, jointly by the Universitat Jaume I, the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and the University of Münster (Germany). It should be noted that teaching staff from the three universities have participated in the supervision of the theses.

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