Antonio Caballer selected as COST Action Management Committee

Antonio Caballer selected as COST Action Management Committee
27/07/2020 Alejandro Estelles

Professor Antonio Caballer, member of the GIANT section, has been selected as Management Committee of the COST Action “International Interdisciplinary Network on Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments ”(NET4AGE-FRIENDLY) CA19136”.

The action, which lasts for four years, will establish an international network and interdisciplinary from 38 countries formed by research staff, citizens, authorities public, companies and NGOs. Its objective is to raise awareness and support the creation and Smart and healthy indoor and outdoor environment application for generations present and future.

Furthermore, it aims to overcome fragmentation and critical gaps both
conceptual as pragmatic level of innovation in environments adapted to the needs of older people to meet the challenges of European research and policy.

The NET4AGE-FRIENDLY’s main focus is on establishing local ecosystems or regional in each country, to work on health and wellness in a digital friendly world for old people.

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