The Banco Sabadell Foundation for the Promotion of Talent Classroom rewards the excellent student body of the Jaume I University

The Banco Sabadell Foundation for the Promotion of Talent Classroom rewards the excellent student body of the Jaume I University
24/03/2021 Alejandro Estelles


The Banco Sabadell Foundation Classroom for the Promotion of Talent has awarded the awards to the excellent student body of the Jaume I University of Castelló. During the event held virtually with the participation of the Vice-Rector for Students and Social Commitment, Inmaculada Rodríguez, and the Director of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, Sonia Mulero, 18 awards were given to students and eight awards to research groups.

In the category of university entrance exams for the academic year 2019-2020, Sergio David Arequipeño Guerra, Marc Falcó Porcar, Javier Castan Simó, Lia Traver Miralles, Alexandra Nicola Cioclu, Raquel have been distinguished with a diploma and a prize of 200 euros Granell Cabedo, Irene Planell Ripollés, Estela Moliner Ruiz, Nuria Nevot Montolio and Alba Mitjans Gómez.

In the “Study and Research” program, with a score of papers presented, eight awards have been awarded for best practices to Sara Fernández Buendía and Agustín López Riera by the Faculty of Health Sciences; Sergio Ferrer Nicomedes and María Mata Pesquera from the Higher School of Technology and Experimental Sciences; Sònia Molner Siurana and Jordi Moliner Clemente from the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences; and Sara Buils Morales and Inmaculada Guinot Artero from the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.

The “Study and Research” program has been in operation for thirteen academic years (from the 2008-2009 academic year) and currently has 178 participants in 80 research groups and institutes. Its main objective is to offer complementary training in undergraduate studies, developing through the tutoring of the members of the research team communication skills, teamwork, use and management of information resources and scientific databases, treatment of data and results, among others. The awards also recognize the work of research groups.

In this edition the winners have been Q-AMS (Analytical Chemistry in Public Health and Environment); ITC (Agustín Escardino University Institute of Ceramic Technology); Q-HEART (Quality of Life and Sustainable Development from Music and the Arts); ENCOM (Emotional Bonding and Communication); GETUR (Cabinet of Tourism Studies); I + B (Investment Analysis and Behavioral Finance); LABPSITEC (Psychopathology, Evaluation, and Treatment of Emotional Disorders); and GIANT (Research Group on Machine Learning for Intelligent Environments).

The vice-rector for Students and Social Commitment has assured that “at the UJI we are very clear that talent, your talent, is the best resource for society and the best guarantee of the collective future. For this reason, the motivation of the student body and the accompaniment are part of the university’s strategic lines ”. Inmaculada Rodríguez congratulated the students, families and research groups and thanked the Banco Sabadell Foundation “for the social responsibility of maintaining support for these scholarships and educational programs.”

For her part, the director of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, Sonia Mulero, has indicated that “collaborating with leading entities such as the Jaume I University, which works on excellence in the education of young people, means that the Banco Sabadell Foundation reinforces our commitment to promoting the talent of young university students ».

The main objective of this recognition from the Banco Sabadell Foundation Classroom for the Promotion of Talent is to promote talent among young university students in the public center of the province of Castellón and to encourage the implementation of actions and activities to promote innovation among members of the university community of the Jaume I.










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