The Cathedral of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Well-being is born

The Cathedral of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Well-being is born
14/06/2021 Alejandro Estelles

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The rector of the Jaume I University of Castelló, Eva Alcón, and the founding partner of Cuatroochenta Sergio Aguado have signed an agreement for the creation of the Cuatroochenta Chair of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Well-being of the Jaume I University. general objectives the promotion of teaching, research, the dissemination of knowledge and innovation in the technology sector to promote people’s health.

The event was attended by the vice-rectors of Planning, Coordination and Communication, Modesto Fabra, and Research and Transfer, Jesús Lancis, the coordinators of the chair, professors Óscar Belmonte, of the Department of Computer Languages ​​and Systems, and Antonio Caballer from the Department of Evolutionary, Educational, Social and Methodology Psychology, as well as the CBO (Chief Business Officer) of Cuatroochenta, Santiago Gimeno.

The rector of the Universitat Jaume I, Eva Alcón, stressed that “the deployment of artificial intelligence implies important changes and we must find a way to take advantage of it so that it has a positive impact, in this case in the field of health and wellness”. In addition, he stressed that “from the UJI we believe that the promotion of this technology must be done following, as a basic principle, the well-being of society as a whole, and this chair and the collaboration with Cuatroochenta imply betting on a focused artificial intelligence in people”.

The CIO and founding partner of the company, Sergio Aguado, explained that “the main motivation for creating the chair has been to support the research work of the UJI professor Óscar Belmonte, whom we have as a reference, and especially his line of research that puts technology at the service of the well-being of the elderly ». “With three grandparents over ninety years old,” he said, “I am especially excited that progress can be made in the well-being of these generations,” and added that “another important reason is to give back to the university part of what it has offered us in terms of training, quality of life and recruitment of talent ».

For his part, the managing partner and CBO of the company, Santiago Gimeno, commented that “Cuatroochenta is a company that carries in its DNA the application of technology to improve people’s lives and this is a clear example of how to participate together with the university to improve the quality of life of the elderly through technology and to return and apply to society the talent, knowledge and experience of our company ”.

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