Author archive for Alejandro Estelles

  • Three UJI groups contribute to data analysis to offer scientific information on public management of the coronavirus crisis

    The groups are Geotec, 2D and 3D Shape Analysis, Statistical Learning in Artificial Intelligence, Esterology and GIANT

  • The Geotec group offers a PhD in Indoor Positioning Development

    The Geotec group is looking for a recent graduate at a university outside of Spain

  • The UJI develops laser-synthesized nanomaterials for healthcare applications

    The Universitat Jaume I (UJI) has developed synthesized nanomaterials using laser irradiation techniques with future applications in various fields of…

  • 4 INIT sections have obtained financing through the “Proyectos I+d+i” program.

    Four INIT sections have obtained funding for their research projects within the national call for “R + D + i…


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