Author archive for Alejandro Estelles

  • Collaboration imminent between UJI and Nagoya City University of Japan

    Several sections of INIT participate in the courses proposed in the agreement

  • Ignacio Miralles in the AVI specialization program for innovation agents

    Through practical workshops, talks and exhibitions, Secondary students will be able to learn about different aspects of the scientific degrees…

  • INIT collaborates with #ConectaUJI in its “Connecta Amb La Ciència” conferences

    Through practical workshops, talks and exhibitions, Secondary students will be able to learn about different aspects of the scientific degrees…

  • Collaboration between GIANT, 480 and the Mémora Foundation

    The agreement aims to implement AI techniques to alleviate unwanted loneliness

  • INIT at the “Nit Mediterranea de les Investigadores”

    Groups such as CEVI, GIANT or GEOTEC participated in the event

  • Presentation of the IKSE project at MEDNIGHT 2021

    IKSE Project is INIT’s latest european project

  • IROS 2021 EgoVIP

    Thanks to the union between the UJI and Cuatroochenta

  • Nacho Miralles returns to “La Panderola” to talk about video games and violence

    The INIT Innovation Agent demystified the false idea that video games trigger violent behavior.

  • The Cathedral of Artificial Intelligence, Health and Well-being is born

    Thanks to the union between the UJI and Cuatroochenta

  • The Banco Sabadell Foundation for the Promotion of Talent Classroom rewards the excellent student body of the Jaume I University

    The GIANT group has been one of the award winners


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