Presentation of the IKSE project at MEDNIGHT 2021

Presentation of the IKSE project at MEDNIGHT 2021
29/09/2021 Alejandro Estelles

As we have already mentioned, there were several sections of INIT that participated in the Mediterranean night of the researchers, the MEDNIGHT 2021 gala, in which the CEVI group had the opportunity to make known to all the attendees, the new project in which The IKSE (INNOVATIVE KEYS FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP) project is currently working.

What is IKSE?

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of education and training institutions around the world, several initiatives have been taken to ensure the continuity of learning and teaching during this period. To capture the variety of initiatives that have been undertaken, the European Commission launched an online survey. The survey was opened on March 18, 2020. From what can be seen, a large number of courses / learning modules are available online. However, they are mostly NOT VET specific.

General objectives:
The IKSE project will focus on capacity building to implement online, blended and distance teaching and learning; Develop the digital pedagogical competencies of VET actors, professionals and end-users that will offer them high-quality inclusive digital education. In addition, it will support them in the use of high-quality digital content, such as innovative online resources and tools in the field of Social Entrepreneurship.

Specific objectives:
First, implement innovative digital tools and methods to deliver quality and inclusive education through virtual / online media, including blended teaching, training and learning. Second, to help students, teachers and trainers adapt to online / distance learning. Third, promote a safer and more responsible use of digital technology. And fourth, define the best way to incorporate digital online technology into teaching, training and learning in specific subjects, including work-based learning.

From INIT we would like to thank all the partners who have made this project possible and who are located in so many different countries (Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy …) and also to all those who attended the occasion and who you wanted to inform about the project.

More information on the website of the project:

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