IROS 2021 EgoVIP

IROS 2021 EgoVIP
12/07/2021 Alejandro Estelles

The Spanish Network of Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Human Analysis and Robotic Perception, of which INIT is a part, organizes the IROS 2021 EgoVIP congress.

The workshop aims to overcome this limited emphasis that was given to the egocentric vision in the past in the field of robotics by offering a deep insight into the egocentric vision. Specifically, the objectives of the workshops are:

Raise awareness about the potentialities of the egocentric vision in Robotics.
Knowing techniques and scenarios of use novel, original and avant-garde of the egocentric vision.
Share knowledge and skills on theoretical and practical aspects of the egocentric vision.
Link the research work on the egocentric human and egocentric vision of the robot.
Gain a greater understanding of the issues and applications where self-centered view is most appropriate, where it is not, and why.
Gather researchers on the egocentric view from different perspectives.
Promote discussion and encourage cross-fertilization of ideas between different application domains.

For robots to interact successfully with their environment and perform tasks, the egocentric vision emerges as a natural solution in Robotics, mainly for robots such as mobiles. However, despite its theoretical and practical implications, egocentric perception rarely receives the attention it deserves. In addition, there are different perspectives of egocentric vision depending on the agent who wears the visual sensors. In particular, cameras can be connected to both robots and people, and this view has also often been ignored, and research in different communities (robotics, visual life record, etc.), which often work separately and mostly without noticing each other.


Rubén Martínez-Cantin *, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Francisco Barranco *, University of Granada, Spain

Alexandre Bernardino, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Mariella Dimiccoli *, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), Spain

V. Javier Traver *, Institute of New Imaging Technologies, Spain


Submission deadline: 07-23-2021 (AoE)

Notification of acceptance (provisional): 07-30-2021

Workshop (online): 1-10-2021

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