Nacho Miralles returns to “La Panderola” to talk about video games and violence

Nacho Miralles returns to “La Panderola” to talk about video games and violence
14/06/2021 Alejandro Estelles

On June 10, Nacho Miralles, INIT’s innovation agent, attended the MediTV program, “La Panderola”, to have a small talk about the idea that video games turn their users or players into violent people.

Nacho echoes several studies, for example one carried out in England where the relationship between people who played video games and people who presented violent behaviors or patterns was mediated, no type of relationship between them could be demonstrated.

In the USA, with a database with more than 40k students, 20k who played or had a fondness for video games and another 20k who did not, it was asked what was the total number of these students who came to class with firearms, it was verified that the number was the same in both groups.

However, the fact that no correlation has been found between violence and video games does not mean that there is not an addiction factor that has to be controlled, at the same time the “PEGI” system, which classifies video games according to the recommended minimum age to play them .

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